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10 Fragen 10 Antworten

Die einzigartige und wunderschöne Bloggerin Recha Foffa hat mir vor kurzem ein paar Fragen gestellt...

I come across so many interesting and talented people in my life, meet them, spend time with them, talk to them, learn so much from them.. They are full of stories, interesting stories and I would like to pick out one person every now and then to ask them 10 questions and get 10 answers from them to share with you. Those blog posts are called 10.YOGA.Everybody seems to do it nowadays. But have you found your perfect teacher yet?I certainly found mine. Delia. A blissful young lady from Zürich. An energetic and powerful being who is able to adjust and do classes for yogis but also CrossFitters. We hired her to join our fitnessholiday trip last fall to Berlin and I couldn’t have been happier with my pick. The “tough” CrossFit guys loved her and suddenly they started to understand the importance of stretching and flexibility for their own body after these crazy CrossFit WODs (workouts). Delia has the ability to make yoga look effortless and cool. She interacts with her students and integrates their wishes into her classes. So I decided to devote this 10. series to Delia. We met a few years back at a fashion show in Zürich, where she was working as the choreographer and I was trying to do my best on stage. Life brings together minds who think alike. I am happy to introduce Delia to you today:

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